Summary: For the past year, we at IV Enterprises have been working feverishly on the single biggest release since we first launched as
So big, in fact, that we have a new name:

What's the big deal?
The question we seemed to get over and over from customers and potential customers was: "Can I create, pre-fill, and save a chart ahead of time?"
We're excited to announce that the answer is now an emphatic "YES!"
Not only can you pre-fill charts you can now collaborate on charts with multiple people and see each other's changes as they happen!
If you're an existing customer and want to experience it yourself just click the "Sign In" button in the upper right and use the same email and password you used on Or... keep reading to learn more.
What else is new?
- Access from anywhere: View your anesthesia charts on virtually any device, at anytime, from anywhere.
- Free team member accounts: Give free access for non-providers while retaining control of final report review and signing.
- Sealed reports: Once signed by the provider, anesthesia charts are locked so no one else can tamper with them. The provider who signed it has 24 hours in which they can unfinalize it to allow for fixing errors.
- Realtime data sync: Data is synced across devices in realtime. Multiple team members can help complete case details at the same time. No data "locking" or "unlocking" is required.
- Simpler report sharing: Generate and share links that will allow someone to download a given PDF report for a limited time. This way you can share a PDF with whomever needs it without needing to download and attach the actual PDF file yourself. This is easier and more secure than sending files around.
What does this all enable?
Our beta customers have been very enthusiastic about the time-saving workflows that these new features allow. For example:
- Have your staff pre-fill basic case details weeks in advance.
- See all your cases for the day lined up in a single view, ready to go.
- Collect vitals on one computer that is hooked up to a vitals monitor but keep an eye on the data being recorded from another device, perhaps a phone or tablet. Because only the computer that is directly connected to the vitals monitor needs to be compatible with that monitor. This also means you can now use a separate tablet/iPad or phone for entering other details into the case.
- Team members can be working on the same case at the same time from separate devices without stepping on each other's toes.
- Jump from case to case without worrying about data loss.
- If you don't have time to do it right away, you can review and sign anesthesia charts from your mobile device later when you have some breathing room.
- Patient, office, and scheduling details are all entered when you first create the case in the system, so later when you open the chart it's already all there.
- You can view previous cases for a given patient or list all the cases from a certain provider in your organization.
- If you're in a group where multiple cases are ongoing simultaneously, you can view the realtime status of all of them in one spot.
- Billing is handled at the organization level so there's no need for separate billing accounts if you have multiple providers or associates.
- Every team member can have their own account and help fill out information, but only providers can sign and finalize an anesthesia chart. You're only charged based on the number of "provider" accounts, the other "member" accounts are all free.
What about HIPAA compliance, is my data safe?
Yes. All your data is saved in Google's data centers. We have a signed Business Associate Agreement with Google Cloud and they offer some of the best data security and HIPAA compliance in the world.
Building Xchart has been a huge undertaking for us because we take the responsibility of storing patient data very seriously.
Please review our HIPAA / Trust Center to see everything we're doing to keep your data safe.
How do I start?
New customer? Welcome! Just click that shiny "Sign Up" button in the upper right.
Existing customer?
To keep your existing subscription, you'll want to make sure you sign in to the new system first, then just follow the instructions to enter your organization details. Click here if you're an existing customer:
What does it cost?
Same as before! Even though we're adding huge value to the service the price will still just be $119 per month, per provider. If you already have a subscription with us, simply sign in to the new system before you create an organization and we'll link your existing subscription to the new organization you create.
For those of you with special arrangements or multiple providers on the same billing account, we'll work with you individually. But you can expect to keep things roughly the same.
In the future we may introduce other service tiers to better accommodate a wider variety of customers, but for the launch of, we wanted to keep things as simple as possible for our existing customers.
How do I control access?
In the previous version, you had to enter everything for a single case on a single device. So you really only needed a single user account for the provider. If anyone else on your team wanted to help complete the information for a case, they would simply have to use the same device that the responsible provider has used to sign in.
But, with this new model, multiple users can access a case from multiple devices.
To support this, an organization admin can send an invite to anyone on your team to let them join your organization.
At anytime, as an admin, you can assign each member a role in your organization.
A user in an organization either has a role of "member" or "provider." The only difference is between the two is that:
- Only providers can be chosen as the primary provider on a given case
- Only a particular provider (who is listed as primary on a case) can sign and finalize an anesthesia chart.
- Only provider accounts affect your cost. You can have unlimited free member accounts.
Both member and provider accounts can also be marked as an "admin" for a given organization. Admins can invite other people to the organization, can edit billing details, and can configure other organization-wide settings.
Can I be part of multiple organizations?
Yes. If you are an anesthesia provider who splits their time between two or more organizations that both use you can use the same login email and password to access both. You can easily jump between organizations using the menu in the upper right.
The same person can have different roles in different organizations, so you may be a "provider" and "admin" on one org, and only a "member" of another.
As with any new feature there may be bugs or even just a lack of clarity. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any feedback or suggestions, good or bad.
We're very excited to finally share this with you, it's been a huge undertaking for our team, we're hopeful it will become an invaluable part of your workflow.
You can always email: with questions or feedback (or just to say "hi") and we'll do whatever we can to help you be successful.
Thanks for trusting us and working with us on this journey. We look forward to working with you for years to come!
Henrik and Travis
Co-founders, IV Enterprises LLC